Profitable Dutch Holstein Friesian cow for small scale and commercial farmers in Pakistan:

The accessibility of world-class Dutch Dairy Holstein Frisian cows shows one of a kind chance to Pakistan’s developing dairy farmers to accelerate production and sustainable returns.

The Netherlands (Holland) being the 2nd largest dairy and agricultural products’ exporter in the world is known for agro innovations and has the most noteworthy cow breeds including Holstein Friesian. Introduction of Dutch Holstein Frisian cows in the herd will result in:

  • Improvement of production and longevity.
  • Lower culling rates, which means fewer replacements and thus a higher income.
  • More fertile and healthier cows.
  • High fats and proteins in the milk.
  1. Dutch Holstein Friesian cow breed is much suitable for Pakistani Farmers

In spite of having large number of dairy animals, Pakistan is spending some $ 45 million on the import of formula milk with more than 160 verities. This is the highest expenditure on this commodity by any country.

Few years back Pakistan has started modern dairy farming by importing global cow breeds mainly Holstein Frisian of different origins. After a struggling decade of modern dairy farming, it is time to boost production and longevity of dairy cows by choosing world’s best producing Dutch Holstein Frisian Cows.

  1. Dutch Holstein Frisian cows are profitable cows

Both health and longevity of cows are important considerations in running a successful dairy farm. Netherlands has primarily focused on quality of selection in traits directly effecting animal performance in terms of profitability. Holland cows are considering as best cow for milk in Pakistan, there are plenty of reasons this article will elaborate all in details.

  1. High – Life time Production

Dutch Holstein Frisian has been bred over generations to achieve high life time production with much higher milk components. A Dutch Holstein Frisian cow can produce more than 100,000 Kgs (1 Lac) of milk and more than 10,000 Kgs of fats & proteins in a lifetime with average supreme quality components no less than 4.31% fat and 3.51% protein.

  1. Good Udders

Dutch cows have pliable non-pendulous udders, firmly attached with strong suspensory ligaments high up near the vulva region. Genetic gain (In breeding value) from selection with NVI after first generation for udder is 1.8 Pnt.

  1. Functional Feet and Legs

Cows need to have good locomotion to walk and day to day activities like drinking plenty of water, eating, going for milking and to exhibit social behaviour. Moreover, a well- balanced confirmation will contribute to a healthy cow. Dutch Holstein Frisian cows have balanced and functional confirmation. Genetic gain (In breeding value) from selection with NVI after first generation for feet and legs is 2.2 Pnt.

  1. Longevity

Dutch cows have the highest longevity in comparison with all other countries; the national average age of Dutch dairy cow is 5.8 years. Dutch dairy sector has the ambitious goal to increase average age at culling by six more months until 2020. As new phosphate regulation is introduced in the Netherlands and replacement costs are considerate, longevity is an attribute that becomes more interesting

Research showed that there is much variation between farms for this trait. The 25% farms have the highest longevity have an average longevity of 7.1 years, whilst 25% farms with lowest longevity have an average longevity of 4.9 years. It shows there is much potential for improvement.

  1. Adaptation to Hot, Humid Climate

The Dutch cows also have the ability to quickly adapt to different environments – from extreme hot humid to the freezing temperature. Few years back 3000, Dutch Holstein Frisian cows were exported to UAE.

“They are getting used of this new hot, humid weather and these cows are producing five litters more milk with much better quality than existing stock of Holstein Frisian from other origin”. (Farm Manager Al- Rawabi dairy farm Khawaneej Dubai).

The 2 previous shipments of 345 heads by CowEx®-Cloud Agri Ltd to Pakistan have already shown 5-7 litres more milk/day as compare to already existing imported stock from other countries.

  1. A Higher Number of Calves Per -lifetime Born

They have phenomenal conception rates, with a higher number of calves in their life span. Heifers ought to be able to impregnate after they have achieved optimum breeding height and weight. Calves are born at weight of around 35-40kg by and large.


  • 1-Elizabeth Sarbacker Technical Consultant CRV.
  • 2-Zijlstra et al., 2013 (Data of Dutch farms during the period of 2006 untill 2012).
  • 3-CRV- Annual report 2014
  • 4-A.J.W. van et al. , 2017 Cost effectiveness of longevity traits in breeding of dairy cows.

For more information or order CowEx® heifers please contact Cloudagri®.